About Us
About Us
Committed to excellence in learning, teaching and leadership
Preschools & Nurseries

Al Carroll
Learning & Teaching Adviser
Al and Kathryn provide a range
of training courses and support for early years settings. All courses can be adapted to suit the requirements of each setting. Please see details below and then get in touch to discuss a package or course that would suit you.

Kathryn Gray
Associate Learning & Teaching Adviser
As a primary school teacher for 18 years, Al has taught a range of year groups in Lincolnshire, Peterborough and Zambia, with a particular interest and specialism in Reception /Year 1, including leading EYFS. More recently Al has worked as an EYFS Adviser and Profile Moderation Manager for Peterborough City Council, in the Early Years and School Improvement Teams. In addition to Advisory work, Al works part time at a large,local primary school as the EYFS, Year 1 and Phonics Lead.
Kathryn was a Primary School teacher for 12 years and worked in a range of primary schools across Peterborough, specialising in teaching Reception children. Previous to that she worked as a Nursery Nurse in a variety of Preschool and Nursery settings.
Kathryn was also a Lead Teacher in the city for Phonics, supporting teachers and nursery practitioners in delivering high quality literacy provision for children.

Current Courses
What shall we put out tomorrow? Developing Practise and provision to meet children’s needs
Good quality provision is a fundamental part of EYFS practice and provision. This 2 part course is suitable for staff training and builds on delegates practice, exploring provision areas and effective learning within them.